Quantum Computing Winter Break Intensive

Free Program for Undergraduates

January 4 - 7, 2022



Taught by



About the Program

In this 4-day intensive introductory program, undergraduates will learn about the exciting interdisciplinary field of Quantum Information Science (QIS). Offered virtually with live instruction, this introductory course will introduce students to the foundations of quantum computing, including quantum mechanics, quantum circuits, and quantum algorithms and protocols. Each day, students will participate in a lecture and lab led by a teaching assistant; additionally, students will hear from leading quantum experts in industry and academia, learning about career pathways in quantum computing. This course is open to any undergraduate currently enrolled in a 2-year or 4-year institution. No prior quantum knowledge is expected or required.

What students will learn

In this introductory program, students will be introduced to the foundations of quantum computing, including fascinating quantum physics phenomena, from superposition to entanglement; coding quantum gates and circuits in IBM's quantum coding language, Qiskit; basic linear algebra for quantum states and gates; and foundational quantum algorithms and protocols.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Quantum hardware, mechanics, gates, circuits, coding
  • Basic linear algebra for quantum
  • Quantum algorithms and protocols
  • Applications of quantum computing

Lead Instructors

Akshay Agarwal

Akshay graduated from MIT with his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Recently, he completed a postdoctoral research position in the Research Laboratory for Electronics at MIT. In his research, he applies principles of quantum mechanics to improve the efficiency of electron microscopy and make the technique applicable to live biological samples. Akshay obtained his PhD. He holds a B. Tech. and M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay in 2014. Outside of his research, Akshay enjoys teaching, writing, and playing the violin.



This course is FREE as we are committed to providing accessible quantum computing education.


Tuesday, January 4th- Friday, January 7th, 2022
10:00am-2:00pm EST (UTC-5:00)

Who should apply

  • Students enrolled at any 2-year or 4-year institution of higher education (IHE), including community colleges and universities. Priority will be given to undergraduate.
  • Students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in STEM are encouraged to apply.


  • Basic computer science knowledge and experience using Python (working knowledge of variables, function, loops).
  • Can attend all 4 days of programming (the program runs from 10 am-2 pm ET daily - please ensure this works with your time zone).
  • No prior quantum knowledge is required or expected.